Free Trend Web Fonts


Trend is the 475th most used web font on the web. We know 5 popular websites which used this font. Similar popular professional fonts are Egyptienne, PF Bulletin Sans, Blue Highway, Planet.

You can use the expensive web font Trend for free, if you are following these steps:
1. Click here to go to the Trend page on
2. Click on Join for Free Web Fonts
3. Enter a email adress and a password and click on Get started free
4. Then click on Create Web Projects and add "Helvetica"
5. Then add the URLs of the domains you want your fonts served to
6. Click on "Publish Options" and insert the shown code into your HTML file

That's all :-)

Download Now
Try this font now

Popular sites that use Trend
( 28,000 visitors / month )
( 10,000 visitors / month )
( 8,000 visitors / month )
( 2,400 visitors / month )
( 1,600 visitors / month )

Free Web Fonts similar to Trend

The following free web fonts are similar to Trend. The fonts are sorted by its similarity. If you want to use one of these free fonts, just click on the preview and choose some provider like Google Fonts.
If you don't want to let Google count your font usage, then download the Webfont Kit from another site and host the font file on your server.

Rubik Mono One - regular (57% similar)
Nosifer - regular (55% similar) | used on 1 sites
Holtwood One SC - regular (54% similar) | used on 4 sites
Syncopate - 700 (53% similar) | used on 48 sites
Shojumaru - regular (53% similar) | used on 1 sites
Sigmar One - regular (51% similar) | used on 3 sites
Chango - regular (51% similar) | used on 2 sites
Gravitas One - regular (51% similar) | used on 2 sites
Frijole - regular (50% similar) | used on 3 sites
Rammetto One - regular (50% similar) | used on 3 sites

Trend Family Web Fonts

21 font styles belongs to the Helvetica font family: