Free Benton Sans Web Fonts

Benton Sans

Benton Sans is the 65th most used web font on the web. We know 220 popular websites which used this font. Similar popular professional fonts are Candara, Minion, Baskerville, Aktiv Grotesk.

You can use the expensive web font Benton Sans for free, if you are following these steps:
1. Click here to go to the Benton Sans page on
2. Click on Join for Free Web Fonts
3. Enter a email adress and a password and click on Get started free
4. Then click on Create Web Projects and add "Helvetica"
5. Then add the URLs of the domains you want your fonts served to
6. Click on "Publish Options" and insert the shown code into your HTML file

That's all :-)

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Popular sites that use Benton Sans
( 94.2 million visitors / month )
( 11.7 million visitors / month )
( 8.7 million visitors / month )
( 4.4 million visitors / month )
( 3.2 million visitors / month )
( 2.9 million visitors / month )
( 2.8 million visitors / month )
( 1.6 million visitors / month )
Show more sites with Helvetica...

Benton Sans Family Fonts

148 font styles belongs to the Helvetica font family: